Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I actually like geometry.
What is this.
I never thought I would say I liked math.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Don't look. Don't look. But you have to know. So you look anyway. And your heart skips a beat as your finger clicks the mouse. You look and you take it in and you will never be the same.

I guess everything is how it should be?

   Do you not hear me when I scream for your help?


fix you

"And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?"


   How do you mend the whole in your life that only one person can fill? What do you do when that one person doesn't want anything to do with you? You can't just get on with your life, because everything reminds you of them. When You pass them in the hall and you don't say one word to each other, that is what breaks you the most. Because you used to spend hours talking and now you can't even manage a simple hello. 

   It's like I never knew you.
   And that's what hurts the most.



"And I don't want the world to see me,
Because I don't think that they'd understand,
When everything's meant to be broken,
I just want you to know who I am.

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming,
Or the moment of truth in your lies,
When everything feels like the movies,
Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive."

-The Goo Goo Dolls, from their Song "Iris"

my 10 favorite possessions

  1. my cameras [Nikon D5100/Pentax K1000] without them, I would see the world like every one else.
  2. all purple Dr. Martens
  3. a picture I drew with a close friend who means a lot to me
  4. my back pack
  5. a stuffed bear I've had since birth
  6. my sanity
  7. Spirited Away DVD
  8. a book called "Heaven and Earth" that my Dad gave to me
  9. my iPod [couldn't live without music]
  10. Andy Warhol poster
    "I am an artist, and my body is my canvas" - Amanda
   Personally, I'm more afraid of a paranormal being trying to kill me than a person. With a person you have a chance, but if a paranormal wants to kill you, you're screwed.


Sunday, September 16, 2012

People annoy me -.-



    I went for a walk today, and I found a path I've never been down before. I decided to go into the woods and explore it, I love walking around by myself [forever alone]. The path ended up leading back to my neighborhood /: but it's nice and woodsy, so I sat down for a while and enjoyed the peace and quiet, away from civilization.


school [a lot more posts about school are to come]

    School started on September 6th, and it actually isn't bad at all. I like all of my classes [besides French... but it's okay]. All of my teachers are so nice, and they seem like they are really good teachers. Last year [freshman year] was horrible, I had three of the worst/hardest teachers, I had just moved to a different state, and I kept getting caught up in petty, stupid drama. By the end of the year I was stressed out, I didn't care about my grades, I hated pretty much everyone, and I was on the verge of a mental breakdown. I assume that's why I was not looking forward to my sophomore year, I thought history would repeat itself. So far, I actually enjoy it [that's a first].


I wish

   I guess I should get out of bed now, but it's so cozy. I wish I could stay in bed forever, and not have to worry about anything.



   I've been sleeping with my windows open this past week. The cold, crisp air is so refreshing, and it feels so good on my bare arms and legs. Autumn is right around the corner, and that means winter is coming, my favorite season. I hate the weather during summer, the immensely hot, humid days with the sun beating down on you, and all you want to do is stay inside with the blessed air conditioner and cold drinks. But winter, winter is beautiful. I feel like nothing can harm me when I'm outside in the early morning, strolling through a land covered in white. I love bundling up in warm sweaters, coats, and boots. I love feeling the freezing cold air against my face, and breathing it makes me feel life

   I am really craving Oreos right now...



   Photography is not just a hobby, it has helped me to live. I am continuously looking for the beauty in life, rather than seeing ugly wherever I go. When I look at the world through a camera lens, I see life in a new and different perspective. I see beauty. I see love. I see the little things that everyone else seems to miss. I see it as my job to society to document the beauty, the hidden moments, the little things that people seem to neglect. I love being able to freeze any moment with the snap of a button, and share it with the world.


music ties me to this earth

   The divine moment when you listen to a song for the time. The rhythm beats with your heart, and your whole body is paralyzed from the beauty that flows into your ears. You just sit there. The lyrics tear at your soul. The song is so fully of beauty that you cannot move. After it ends, you just sit there in awe, taking in what you have just heard.


tick tick tick

   "Time is a golden flute" -Amy.

gold light hits the trees

   Today was one of those days where everything was beautiful. As I awoke late in the day, I opened my window only to breathe in the beautiful, crisp autumn air. The way the sun hit the trees and cast shadows upon the ground was truly magnificent. The lighting was golden. I lounged around the house for the earlier half of the day, which was such a treat. Around 6:00 I went outside for a walk, it was chilly enough to wear jeans and a hoodie [yes!]. I walked aimlessly around my neighborhood for a good hour, and then I rested a top my favorite hill, breathing in my surrounds. What a beautiful day it is to be alive. 
